According to Ayurveda, bones are considered as one of the Dhatu (basic infrastructure) of body. There are seven basic infrastructures.

What Is Osteoporosis?

Modern day definition of Ayurveda is characterised by: Decreased bone strength.
Reduction of bone mass or density or the presence of fragile fractures.

Ayurvedic View

Bones are considered as one of the Dhatu (basic infrastructure) of body. There are seven basic infrastructures:

Dhatu (Basic Infrasctructures of body) Basic element resemble to modern Science
Rasa Digested food
Rakta Blood
Mansa Muscles
Meda Body Fat
Asthi Bones, Cartilage
Majja Bone Marrow
Shukra Sperm


Asthi kshaya (loss) i.e. Osteoporosis can be considered along with two parameters:

Dravyataha (Quantity): Decrease weight of bones, loss of density and porosity of bones.

Karmataha (Function): Shape of bone changes and kyphosis like conditions can occurs, weight bearing capacity get reduced and pain like conditions can occurs,  joint movements get restricted.



Sandeep Kale, BAMS, DYA, is a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and assistant professor with the department of Rognidan Avum Vikritivigyan of Sumatibhai Shaha Ayurved College, located in Pune, India. He reviews the International Journal of Drug Research and is the assistant editor of Satyanveshanam Today, an Ayurvedic research journal. He has written many Ayurveda related articles for both local press and International Research Journals. His private Ayurved practice is located at ShivSamarth Ayurved Clinic, Pune, India


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