Vomiting in fact is a defense mechanism of the body to throw out Dosha (particularly the Pitta and Kapha) when they become aggravated a lot. But if this urge is suppressed, it can cause itching, rash, loss of appetite or loss of desire to perform daily chores, malesma, edema, anaemia, fever, various skin diseases, nausea etc.

What happens when you suppress your urge to vomit?

There are various disorders or symptoms that can occur due to the suppression of our natural urges:

  1. Suppression of urge of urination causes pain in the urinary bladder and urinary tract in general, difficulty in passing urine, headache, pain and heaviness in flanks. These are immediate symptoms but if they are there then it can cause Vata aggravation.
  2. Suppression of the urge of defecation causes pain in lower abdomen and head, suppression of lower moving Vata, difficulty in passing of stools, flatulence and bloating, cramping pain in the calf muscles. This is the main cause of aggravation of Vata as colon is the seat of Vata and as such this leads to the change in path of the lower moving Vata ( called Apan Vata) which in turn can cause many serious disorders in the long run.
  3. Suppression of semen/vaginal secretions (or for that matter the sexual act itself)  causes pain in the genital organs, body aches, mental stress and feeble flow of urine through urethra. Though these symptoms are local but it can ultimately result in many hormonal, psychosomatic and diseases of the genital tract.
  4. Suppression of the urge to pass flatus is done quite frequently due to social embarrassment associated with it in public and also due to the notion that it is a taboo and a diseased condition. In fact it is normal to pass flatus up to 14 times in a day and should not be considered a taboo. If the flatus is foul smelling or there is lot of flatulence, then only it is a cause of concern. In any case if it is suppressed, it can cause retention of urine, stools and the flatus itself, lot of bloating with pain in abdomen, tiredness and many Vata disorders ( and that are innumerable as most diseases are initiated by Vata).
  5. Suppression of urge of vomiting can occur due to the administration of anti vomiting medicines or it can also be deliberately done if the urge is not very strong. Vomiting in fact is a defense mechanism of the body to throw out Dosha (particularly the Pitta and Kapha) when they become aggravated a lot. But if this urge is suppressed, it can cause itching, rash, loss of appetite or loss of desire to perform daily chores, malesma, edema, anaemia, fever, various skin diseases, nausea etc. As we can see all these disorders come under the purview of Pitta and Kapha disorders and can vitiate various tissue system. Constant suppression of acid reflux by taking antacids and prokinetic drugs, also can amount to suppression of the urge to vomit and can cause serious disorders in the future including cancer.
  6. Suppression of the urge to sneeze can cause various disorders related to the head region. Nose is considered to the doorway to the head region (read brain) . Disruption of the sneeze which involves Udan   (one of the sub type of Vata Dosha) Vata, which comes out  with a great speed (somewhere to the tune of 100 miles per hour) , can affect the various vital points called Marma points present in the head region. As such the classic texts have mentioned that the suppression of the urge to sneeze can cause painful spasm of the neck muscles, headache, facial paralysis ( due to the affection of Marma points) , half sided headache, depletion of the power of sense organs present in head region. Though this looks unbelievable, but it can be found practically in patients coming to a Doctor’s clinic if the same reason is sought for in medical history.




Deepak Bhanot, BAMS is a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner with 20 years of experience. He specializes in dietary and lifestyle consultation as per one's Prakriti. He has an advanced specialization in Nutrition and Health Education as well as Preventive and Promotive Health Care. He is a certified Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Acupressure therapist.


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