It is clearly mention in Ayurveda that Asthi Dhatu i.e. bone is inversely proportion to vata Dosha. It means whenever Vata Dosha increases in body there decreases density of bone and vice versa. For more specific diagnosis we have to consider which property of Vata Dosha is increased.

What causes Osteoporosis?

It is clearly mention in Ayurveda that Asthi Dhatu i.e. bone is inversely proportion to vata Dosha. It means whenever Vata Dosha increases in body there decreases density of bone and vice versa. For more specific diagnosis we have to consider which property of Vata Dosha is increased.

Properties of  Vata Dosha: Resemblance to Modern Terms
Ruksha Dryness
Laghu Low Weight
Sheet Coldness
Khara Harshness
Sukshma Fineness
Chal Mobility




Sandeep Kale, BAMS, DYA, is a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and assistant professor with the department of Rognidan Avum Vikritivigyan of Sumatibhai Shaha Ayurved College, located in Pune, India. He reviews the International Journal of Drug Research and is the assistant editor of Satyanveshanam Today, an Ayurvedic research journal. He has written many Ayurveda related articles for both local press and International Research Journals. His private Ayurved practice is located at ShivSamarth Ayurved Clinic, Pune, India


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