6 Tastes in your Ayurvedic Diet

There are six Tastes or Rasas in AYURVEDA: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter & Astringent.
Ayurveda has a unique approach to break down tastes scientifically, each having its own therapeutic effects and changing impacts on your Body; from the first taste to entering the body to being absorbed.

These Tastes originate from the five elements and transmit their properties. For a balanced diet Ayurveda recommends getting All of these flavors with every meal and adjust the amounts of each to your personal constitution.

Flavor to Keep your DOSHA in Balance –

VATA:                                               PITTA:                                            KAPHA:

– Sweet                                             – Sweet                                           – Bitter
– Sour                                               – Astringent                                   – Pungent
– Salty                                              – Bitter                                            – Astringent
– Warm food                                   – Cool foods (not cold)                – Warm, light foods



The tastes that are best for YOU are pungent, bitter, & astringent. Foods with these tastes can keep you balanced, uplifted & confident.
Pungent foods like onion, ginger, garlic, black pepper & mustard, stimulate the appetite, improve digestion & can help maintain a Healthy Body Weight.
Bitter foods, like rhubarb, melon, romaine lettuce, spinach & chard, turmeric root & fenugreek are considered to have properties which can promote Good Digestion & reduce Toxins.
Astringent foods, like cranberries, pomegranate, okra, parsley, saffron & basil are can remove excess water in the body, reduce swelling & promote general Healing of the Body


The tastes that are best for you are sweet, bitter & astringent. Foods with these tastes can keep you balanced, cool & calm.
Sweet foods like peaches, sweet plums, grapes, melons, sweet potatoes, carrots & beets; milk & ghee; rice & wheat bread, basil & licorice root, are all cooling.
Bitter foods, like rhubarb, melon, romaine & radicchio lettuce, kale, chard, turmeric root & fenugreek, are considered to have properties which can reduce burning sensations in the body, cleanse the blood & Reduce Toxins.
Astringent foods, like cranberries, pomegranate, okra, parsley, saffron & basil can reduce fever, stop diarrhea & are considered to have anti inflammatory properties


The tastes that are best for you are sweet, sour & salty. Foods with these tastes can keep you balanced, grounded.
Sweet foods like peaches, sweet plums, grapes, melons, sweet potatoes, carrots & beets; milk, ghee, rice & wheat bread; basil & licorice root are cooling, but they contain water & earth qualities, so they can ground & moisturize dry, airy Vata.
Sour foods, like yogurt, sour cream, green grapes, lemon, hibiscus, rose hips, caraway, coriander & cloves are heating, but they also contain the earth element, which also helps ground Vata.
Salty foods, for example, sea salt, rock salt, & sea vegetables, are heating & must be used in moderation for All Body Types.



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  1. ramkapoor2@yahoo.com'

    I try to keep vata pitta and kapha in balance but still sometimes get vulnerable to diseases.

    • Hi Ram, It may be possible that the third dosha Vata might be getting aggravated when you experience a ill health. Vat a is the strongest and can involve Kapha and Pitta also ina disease process. Next time please see an Ayurvedic practitioner near you to get a on spot assessment of dosha imbalance. Thanks for sharing with us and we hope you would keep us posted.


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