Saffron Oatmeal Recipe
Saffron Oatmeal Recipe

Heavenly Saffron Oatmeal Recipe

Heavenly Saffron Oatmeal Recipe

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices known for its color, flavor and medicinal properties. Saffron is derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the Saffron crocus.

This exotic spice is a native of Southern Europe and also grows in many countries including Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Iran, and the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir.

Saffron is bitter in taste, has a pleasant, soothing aroma and used mostly as spice and for coloring in many cuisines around the world. It is a great source of Riboflavin ( B12), contains essential oil Safranal and pro vitamin A.

Saffron in Ayurveda

Saffron is mentioned in the oldest Ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhita & Sushruta Samhita (approx. 500 B.C). It is an important ingredient of many medical recipes. It is mentioned as Kumkum, Kesar, Kashmiraja, Bahleeka, Rudhira and Sankocha.

According to Ayurveda, saffron is Snigdha, Laghu in Guna, Tikta in Rasa, Katu in Vipaka, Ushna in Virya and Tridoshhara. Ayurveda mentions many benefits of Saffron in ailments such as mental disorders, vomiting, cough, asthma, epilepsy and skin disorders.

Saffron is traditionally used by Yogis to maintain the calm and to promote the Sattva (purity)

Ayurveda in Modern Medicine

There is some evidence to suggest that Saffron may alleviate symptoms of depression.

Early studies show that saffron may be beneficial for eye conditions such as slowing the macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. Saffron is also used as an expectorant in coughs, in asthma, as a digestive aid (gas problems) and in insomnia. Early cancer research is suggesting some promising benefits of saffron for cancer.

Saffron is used in the skin care to bring out the glow and to relive the dry skin. Saffron is considered as a great blood purifier. Women use it to relieve PMS and menstrual cramps.

Note: Saffron in large quantity, is not considered safe in pregnancy, as it may promote miscarriage.

Sources : Wikipedia , Web MD, Royal Saffron website

Divine Saffron Oatmeal Recipe

Serves two


  • 1 cup Almond/Cashew milk
  • ½ cup organic, steel cut oats
  • 1 Tbs organic ghee or coconut oil
  • Pinch of saffron (three-four stems.)
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • ¼ cup chopped nuts (optional)
  • 1 small banana or any other seasonal fruits/berries (optional)
  • Honey or brown sugar (optional)


In a small sauce pan mix milk and oats. Place it on the medium flame and bring to boil. Add saffron, cinnamon, chopped nuts and ghee/coconut oil. Cook for two more minutes or until the oats are thoroughly cooked.

Remove from heat. Add honey or brown sugar if desired. Pour in a bowl and add fruits.

Inhale the aroma and enjoy warm.

Note  Substitute cooked Quinoa, cooked brown rice etc. for oats, if desired. Cooking time may vary for each grain.


Manju Joshi, MA, ERYT500, Diploma in Health and Nutrition, Ayurveda and Holistic coach. Co-founder of Gurukul Yoga Holistic Center in New Jersey. Currently residing in Austin TX. Sharing classical Yoga and Holistic living with the community since 1991.



    Thank you for sharing this recipe. I would never have thought to put saffron in my oatmeal, but, think I’m going to give it a try.


    Riboflavin = vit. B 2 not B 12


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