6 Powerful Ways of Fighting Common Cold, the Ayurveda way

Ayurveda defines the common cold as a disease originating in the nasal cavity marked by a watery discharge from the nose. The main doshas involved in the common cold are Vata and Kapha.
Ayurveda believes that, due to various causative factors, there is a vitiation of the ‘rasa‘ (body fluids/plasma) tissue and blood tissue which makes the body prone to attacks by precipitating causes, leading to a bout of common cold.

Ayurveda believes that if the body’s physiology is working properly, then the body resists the attack by external pathogens (viruses) and allergens – the two factors considered to be responsible for common cold by modern medicine.

Causes of common cold as explained by Ayurveda

The causative factors are divided into four categories.

Factors that cause derangement in the digestive fire, namely:

  • excessive intake of food articles which take a prolonged time to get digested. For example, fried food, or food made from concentrated milk
  • excessive intake of food that are dry like popcorns and other roasted grains

Factors which make the respiratory system more vulnerable to disease:

  • repeated exposure to a dusty and smoky environment
  • abnormal season, for example too much rain in the summer season
  • change of place of residence, or travel – climate change e.g. moving from the mainland to the sea shore

Factors aggravating Kapha and Vata doshas:

  • exposure to dew/snow
  • exposure to a draft of air
  • remaining awake at night
  • constipation
  • remaining in a swimming pool for too long
  • bathing in a state of indigestion
  • excessive sex

Factors that affect the fluid (rasa) and blood (rakta) tissue systems:

  • incompatible food
  • eating at wrong times
  • eating even when not hungry.
  • too much exposure to heat, for example, working in the sun or in front of a furnace
  • indigestion

Ayurvedic ways of fighting common cold

The Ayurvedic approach to common colds focuses on correcting the digestive fire and pacifying the Vata and Kapha doshas.

  • Make a herbal tea made from equal parts raisins, black pepper, basil leaves, cinnamon bark and licorice roots. Boil in 2 cups of water until it’s reduced by half and then drink it warm with 1 tsp of sugar.
  • Wrap your head and neck with a scarf when you go outside (and inside, if it’s cold!)
  • Dry roast 1 tablespoon of caraway seeds and wrap them in gauze. Use this pack to pat your forehead and around your nose by gentle dabbing strokes. Inhale the aroma emanating out of the pack, as this will dry up the nasal secretions, open up the nasal passages and relieve your headache. Avoid exposure to outside air for half an hour after applying the pack.
  • If your cold is accompanied by a fever, boil 10-15 crushed mint leaves in a cup of water and add a pinch of rock salt and regularly sip on this. Do this for 4-5 times in a day at regular intervals, and your fever will subside.
  • If you can’t stop shivering, boil 10 crushed black peppers in a cup of water. Reduce to half and sip slowly. Lie down, covering your head and body. Make sure there is no source of cold air flowing to you. This heat cocoon will induce sweating and will take care of body pain, chilliness, watery discharge and that ‘heavy head feeling’.
  • Take 7-11 fresh basil leaves, ½ teaspoon of ginger, and 7 coarsely ground black peppers. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add the ingredients and boil the mixture for two minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and keep it covered for 2 more minutes. Strain the mixture and add 1 cup of pre-boiled milk and 1-2 teaspoons of sugar. Drink in small sips and lie down, covering yourself from head to toe. This remedy is very effective in taking care of all symptoms related to common cold.




  1. naina1502@hotmail.com'

    I agree with your comments as I am
    Prone to cough and cold. I mostly get dry cough during season change. It carries on for 3 months if not treated well. Continuous dry coughing occurs as I open my mouth. The doctors think it is an allergic reaction. Any suggestions?

    Kind Regards

  2. tigerangel.nj@gmail.com'

    Would you class hayfever as a form of cold , if so what should I have to relieve it ?

  3. shobha_sree@yahoo.co.in'

    Yes I do get cold n cough easily. I have very low resistance to common cold. I get it severe and lasts long too. I would love to follow your remedies and the prevention.
    Thanks a lot.

  4. nicoscece@icloud.com'

    I did the Doshas test twice cause I did not agree to the results so I was Kappa Vata
    first. Then I was Vata kappa second
    Now as I see it this changes the paleo diet what can I do.
    How do I get live consultations

    • The Ayurveda Experience

      Hi Cecile,
      If you are a dual dosha the best thing to do is to notice each day which dosha needs pacification and tailor your daily regimen to that particular dosha. So if one day you feel that Vata is out of balance moreso than Kapha, then focus on Vata that day, and vice versa. We’re in the process of creating a directory of practitioners. In the meantime, you can search https://www.ayurvedanextdoor.com/directory for a practitioner. Hope that helps.

  5. kamble.nitin07@yahoo.com'

    As u said correctly I’m prone to common cold and sneezing. Specially when I have oats and milk in morning. Should I avoid dairy? I want gain weight so please let me know which kind of diet will suit me?

    • If you have a state of kapha aggravation, marked by decreased appetite, more mucous, more discharge from eyes and nose, lethargy etc., you may consider stopping dairy or take milk with addition of kapha pacifying herbs like turmeric, ginger etc. Dairy takes care of Vata, which is the initiating dosha in the pathogenesis of common cold as per Ayurveda. So in long term dairy taken in moderation is rather advised once the aggravated Kapha is taken care of.

  6. fkinkner@gmaL.com'

    I’m not pron to common colds or illness, very seldom ill, but my test says i’m Vata and Kapha? Was my test wrong?

    • The Ayurveda Experience

      Hi Faith,
      The test is usually accurate when the questions are answered honestly. There are many variations on the Ayurvedic types. So though you may not be prone to colds or illness, Vata Kapha types often are so we include it in the quiz results. You can best determine your constitution with a consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner. I hope that helps.
      Kind regards,


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