Digestion is very important to our health and Ayurveda has many suggestions for how to improve this very important body function. Many times, people who have an overabundance of Pitta become imbalanced and it shows up as acid indigestion. Pitta types are prone to hyperacidity, and peptic ulcers. Stress, impatience, anger & heat can also aggravate Pitta.
What can you do if you are experiencing indigestion?
A few simple changes in lifestyle and diet can help bring Pitta into balance for smoother, more effective digestion and greater calm & contentment.
- Avoid Pitta aggravating foods like citrus fruits and juices, vinegar, tomatoes, spicy foods, fried foods, salty foods, onions & garlic.
- Avoid alcohol.
- Do not skip meals. An empty stomach makes more stomach acid.
- Eat your meals at regular intervals, not leaving too much of a gap between each meal.
- Eat breakfast, even if you are not hungry in the morning. Eat something even if it is just a little bit. If you skip breakfast, you can be too hungry at lunchtime and might overeat.
- Meditate to relieve stress.
- Enjoy the beauty of nature.
- Favor cool foods and drinks. Coconut juice is especially good for pacifying the Pitta dosha.
- Pomegranate juice also helps to balance the acid in the stomach. It tastes sour, but it is actually both astringent and bitter, which in turn helps balance Pitta
- Baked fennel seeds are also recommended to help settle the stomach and balance digestion
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this document may be viewed as the diagnosis or treatment of any medical disease whatsoever. The contents of this document are the opinions of the author based on his learning and experience. This document is meant only for educational purposes. The Ayurveda Experience is not liable or responsible for the suggestions made herein.
Please consult your primary care physician before implementing any change in your diet or lifestyle.