Ayurveda has a unique understanding of skin care. Though the overall function of the skin remains the same, different body types have inherent characteristics of their skin. Characteristics like color, thickness, texture, hydration, moisture, suppleness, and temperature all vary according to dosha type. The concurrent conditions of these doshas and the weather also influence characteristics of the skin.
Prerequisites For Healthy Skin
For healthy skin, we need good quality body fluids, including blood plasma and lymph, blood, muscular tissue, and fat tissue. Along with all these healthy tissue systems, we need to make sure we have a healthy response to stress – it’s pretty much impossible to have a stress-free lifestyle, but we can respond to stressors in healthier ways. And we need to get adequate sleep, fluids, and sunshine- time outdoors with nature.
These are some of the factors that can cause skin diseases:
- Eating hot foods immediately after cold foods and vice-versa
- Eating the wrong combinations of food (Read more here)
- Excessive use of certain food items such as fish, salt, sour foods, sugar, milk or sesame seeds
- Excessive exercise
- Exposure to the sun after consumption of dry and pungent foods
- Eating again before the previous meal has been digested
- Ignoring the urge to vomit
- Excessive intake of fats and fatty foods
- Indulging in sex without allowing for time to digest a meal
- Sleeping during the day
These are the general causative factors of skin diseases. We can see that some of these causes affect the digestion by creating toxins in the body fluids or altering the blood chemistry. This aggravates the doshas and then affects the four tissue systems. Over time, the skin is affected. The aggravated doshas disturb the tissue systems and cause skin diseases marked by a relatively rapid onset, like rashes for example.